
The driving force of all we do.

God's Word

We draw our core insights and principles from the Bible and then strive to be as biblical in our practices as we possibly can. While we recognize many extra-biblical resources for leadership, we will measure their truthfulness and value by the Scriptures. In all, we seek to make the Bible our measuring standard (canon) and authority for all we do.

God's Commission

To be Christian is to be committed to the Great Commission and all it stands for. We see ourselves playing an ever-increasing vital role as a critical link in the pursuit of the Great Commission by playing our part in forming leaders wherever God gives us the opportunity worldwide.

God's Spirit

The Spirit of God is our enabler who cleanses us and empowers us in all we do, and on whom we radically depend in every way.

God's Glory

We vow to seek nothing for our glory and to do everything for God’s glory. While we must elevate our message, we work to avoid elevating ourselves for our honor and recognition in the process.

God's Leaders

We are convinced the only way we can accomplish the Great Commission effectively is if we have leaders who can inspire, direct, and in?uence followers toward this end. We care about all people, but commit our focus to strengthening and sustaining leaders as the key to achieving God’s purposes in our time (Joshua 24:31).