By Bill Lawrence, President of Leader Formation International
Exodus 3:14
YAHWEH attracted Moses through the burning bush and directed him to go to Egypt, an overwhelming, impossible task. It is possible that you also have an impossible task for the Lord. Perhaps you have the same question of the Lord the Moses had. Read on and see what he asked and what YAHWEH answered to him.
All right. This makes sense. I guess. You are the God of my fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and I am afraid of you because you have an overwhelming fire that you have ignited to attract me. There are many ways you could have called me, but this is the greatest. I couldn’t resist. I am here. Yet you want the Israelites to trust You and follow me as their leader and shepherd. It’s been 400 years since Israel heard from you. How could they trust a man who had to run for his life forty years ago and a God they haven’t heard from in for- ever? We all know your name, but what does it mean? Who are you? How can we trust YAHWEH for the future whose history is a story from the past and is not present at all? What kind of a future does this promise mean to us? How can this overcome Egypt and get us through the wilderness to a land we haven’t seen in forever?
The answer that Moses received is that YAHWEH is I AM. That’s it. He never was, He never will be. Everything about Him IS. He is not like any other so-called god, no other power, not one that once was nor one that will be. He is the only God who IS, the only one who is eternal, the only one who can meet our needs, the only one with an amazing plan for us. Nothing is greater that He is and nothing ever will be better than He is. He can do everything He says He will do. He does all He says He will do. He overcomes all His enemies because He is all that they are not. There was a time when they never were and there will be a time when they never will be. He has no weakness, no illness, no failure, no darkness, no shame, no evil. He is totally truly trustworthy. He IS I AM. Do you know anyone else who is like Him? Why do you trust anyone else? How can you possibly trust yourself? Can anyone else do for you what YAHWEH did for our fathers when He delivered them and no one else would? Can we at least trust Him and see what He will do? We can try anyway. Anything else is better than slavery!
Who is like our YAHWEH?
Published on Mar 17 @ 5:35 AM CDT